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7 Challenges Faced by Freight Forwarders in 2020
BlueX PayJun 09, 2020
Freight forwarders in 2020 are facing an increasing number of challenges that keep growing as the years go by—the only significant difference between 2019 and 2020 COVID-19. It’s the elephant in the room that freight forwarders can’t avoid. While many of these challenges listed below are not new, they have been exacerbated by the effects […]
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The Impact of COVID-19 On Ocean Shippers
BlueX TradeMay 20, 2020
With 90% of world trade transported by sea, it’s fair to say everyone in shipping will feel the sting of the COVID-19 pandemic, with shippers tremendously affected by the economic slowdown. However, COVID-19 presents shippers with the opportunity to fundamentally change how they ship to create resilient business models to not only sail through crises […]
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What is Global Supply Chain Risk Management?
BlueX TradeMay 06, 2020
2020 signaled a fundamental shift in how we manage global supply chains. From IMO 2020 to COVID-19, these risks and crises showcase the need to understand what global supply chain risks are, how to identify these risks, and how to create resilient global supply chains. Defining Global Supply Chain Risk Management Global supply chain management […]
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Overcoming COVID-19 with the BlueX Standard
BlueX TradeApr 21, 2020
With supply chains being upended, and the world in lockdown, COVID-19 is presenting some major challenges for businesses. Ocean freight has not been exempt from the COVID-19 threat either, with carriers feeling the full brunt of the lack of demand in the first half of 2020. While it’s hard to say when we will all […]
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The Growing Importance of the Demand Chain in Ocean Shipping
BlueX TradeApr 15, 2020
The demand chain is a vital component of modernization in the shipping industry. Carriers need to create effective upstream communications through demand chains to learn more about customer expectations and match shipper, BCO, and freight forwarder needs with FreighTech and new services. However, you might still be wondering, what is a demand chain in the […]
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