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How fintech can help small businesses affected by inflation and rising interest rates
BlueXFinTechBlogJan 17, 2023
With prices rising and interest rates climbing, many small businesses struggling to maintain capital cannot secure aid from traditional financing tools such as bank loans. Thankfully, the fintech sector is sweeping in to give small businesses the opportunity to not only survive but thrive in these uncertain times. BlueX has built payment platforms and Pay-it-Later solutions specifically for the kind of hurdles you may be facing at this moment. BlueX Pay-it-Later offers fast access to up to $1 million for your cargo and all your logistic service needs.
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How SMEs can prepare their supply chains for Lunar New Year 2023
BlueXGlobal Supply ChainBlogDec 13, 2022
The Lunar New Year 2023 will start on Sunday, January 22nd and run until the Lantern Festival on Sunday, February 5th. During this time, workers at factories across the country will flood the trains and airports in a mass exodus to return home for the holiday, since for many this is the only time of year that they can see their families. If this is your first year of business operations, prepare for closing factories, skeleton crews at ports and customs, and possibly defective goods. In this article, we will explain the challenges your supply chain will face during the Lunar New Year and help you prepare contingencies for each one.
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Four actions SMEs can take right now to decarbonize their supply chains
BlueXFinTechBlogDec 06, 2022
Do you know there are 4 actions SMEs can take right now to decarbonize their supply chains? Recent climate-related events have left the logistics industry at a major inflection point. Most nations are not on track to meet the 1.5°C increase limit outlined in the Paris Agreement, and the logistics industry is far behind in helping to achieve this goal. SMEs have the agency to make meaningful changes without putting their business operations at risk.
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Understanding freight release and telex release
BlueX PayOcean FreightBlogNov 24, 2022
If you have shipped any kind of cargo before, then you are most likely familiar with the term “Bill of Lading.” A Bill of Lading (B/L) is several things in one document – it’s a cargo release order, a receipt for the freight, and the final proof of which party owns the freight in question. “Freight release” refers to the endorsement of your B/L and means that your goods can be released and have ownership transferred to a buyer. The physical transfer of a B/L is among the most commonly used methods of freight release. However, in a logistics environment where speed is of the essence and any and all things can occur, the fate of a freight shipment cannot always rest on a paper document alone. This is when a telex release can be used.
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Inventory Financing: the Pros and Cons
BlueX PayFinTechBlogNov 10, 2022
Inventory financing is a relatively new approach to maintaining cash flow that brings a host of advantages, especially for high-volume businesses such as retail, food service, or wholesalers. To put it simply, inventory financing refers to using the inventory you need to purchase as collateral for itself. Sound confusing? Let’s break it down through an example and see the pros and cons.
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