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What are APIs in Freight and Logistics? Everything You Need to Know
BlueX TradeBlogAug 18, 2020
APIs changed the E-commerce landscape. API integrations digitally automate processes and data across applications to make the flow of information for businesses and customers seamless and instantaneous. Since Salesforce launched the first widely acknowledged API in 2000, APIs have proliferated to revolutionize how we do business. From Facebook Messenger, PayPal payment options, to booking a […]
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How COVID-19 is Affecting Shipping Demurrage and Detention
BlueX TradeBlogAug 05, 2020
With lockdowns continuing to hinder international trade flow, overcoming COVID-19 remains the biggest challenge for ocean shipping. Demurrage and detention are among the most immediate issues faced by shippers, freight forwarders, and carriers, with minimal mitigating strategies. We at BlueX understand how vital it is to ensure freight fluidity for carriers, and also the need […]
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4 Tips to Improve Your Freight Forwarder Sales During COVID-19
BlueX PayBlogJul 15, 2020
COVID-19 has disrupted the global economy. Unsurprisingly ocean freight, which accounts for 90% of world trade, took a huge brunt of this disruption. Freight forwarders have all felt the fallout of the continuous reduction in demand for shipping. It makes sense to differentiate your freight forwarding business with the rampancy of commoditization of freight forwarder […]
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COVID-19 - How BlueX Can Help Freight Forwarders
BlueX TradeBlogJul 02, 2020
Many freight forwarders have seen a drop in demand for their services since COVID-19 locked most of the world down. 2020 showed us how fragile our international global economy could be. Even as lockdowns begin to wane, we are likely to continue to see the fallout of this pandemic into 2021. How we live our […]
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Ocean Carriers - How BlueX Can Help
BlueX TradeBlogJun 17, 2020
2020 has been a turbulent year for ocean shipping. Despite the challenges presented by the virus, we at BlueX are confident that the global economy will steer towards more favorable waters once lockdowns are lifted. Until then, we are helping ocean carriers to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and prepare them for the new reality […]
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