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49% of Top-performing Businesses in North America Accessed External Financing Solutions for Strategic Business Growth
BlueXFinTechBlogJan 22, 2024
72% of North American companies using outside funds saw their business numbers improve. Also, about 9 out of 10 of these companies received better payment terms for their new projects. 49% of the top-performing businesses use working capital solutions for strategic business growth. For businesses engaged in international trade, the challenges are manifold – ranging from payment risks to foreign exchange fluctuations, among which the paramount importance of cash flow management cannot be overstated. This is where innovative fintech solutions like BlueX come in, tailored to streamline your global trade and help your business grow with the right cash flow strategies.
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Tips to Sustain Your Small Business in 2024
BlueXFinTechBlogDec 15, 2023
2023 is coming to an end. It has been a difficult year for small business operations, as many business owners have been confronted with a variety of challenges. Understanding these obstacles and employing strategic approaches to overcome them is crucial for sustainability and growth. Let’s look back on some of the problems encountered this year.
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Supply Chain Industry Networking Opportunities
BlueXGlobal Supply ChainBlogNov 21, 2023
BlueX's mission is to reach and benefit as many in the supply chain industry as possible. Looking ahead, we'll announce more opportunities for networking and growth. Stay tuned for more information, and prepare to engage, connect, and expand your professional network. We're always looking forward to hearing your thoughts and exploring the possibility of bringing the BlueX experience right to your doorstep.
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Improve Customer Experience with AI in B2B Payments
BlueXFinTechBlogOct 19, 2023
Discover how AI integration is reshaping B2B payment processes. Learn how AI reduces delays, enhances customer relationships, and elevates operational efficiency to create more satisfying customer experiences.
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7 Key Steps to a Successful AR Program
BlueXFinTechBlogSep 05, 2023
Why are successful AR programs important for B2B players? Businesses need to transform their B2B AR processes to adapt to changing expectations and avoid risks associated with legacy processes. Nevertheless, a successful AR program that attracts and retains customers is beyond digitization and automation. In this month’s blog article, the BlueX team looks into the key steps of building a successful AR program. In this month’s blog article, the BlueX team looks into the seven key steps of building a successful AR program.
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